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2014-2015 Budget Information

The School District is divided into twelve (12) election districts which correspond to the student attendance zones of the District’s elementary schools. .

  • Use the online Tax Calculator to Estimate Your 2014-15 School Taxes (Added 05/13/2014)
  • View the "" document or view the video below

  • (Added 04/03/2014)
  • (Added 05/06/2014)
  • (Added 04/28/2014)
  • (Revised 04/28/2014)
  • (Revised 04/28/2014)
  • (Revised 04/28/2014)
  • (Revised 04/28/2014)
  • (Revised 02/2014)
  • (Added 01/30/2014)
  • (Added 04/28/2014)
  • (Added 02/26/2014)
  • (Added 03/10/2014)
  • (Added 03/14/2014)
  • (Added 03/14/2014)
  • (Added 03/18/2014)
  • (Added 03/18/2014)
  • Smart Schools Bond Act 2014
  • (Added 03/18/2014)