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Employee Absence Policy and Uniform Information

Procedure Regarding Absences

In the event that you are unable to report to work as scheduled, you are required to telephone the Food Service Office (Lisa Check) at 471-1353 between 6:45 A.M. and 7:00 A.M.! Substitutes are assigned according to the needs of individual schools and your calling earlier does not guarantee your School getting a substitute. At that time, please indicate:

1. Your NAME
2. The SCHOOL to which you are assigned
3. The HOURS you are scheduled to work
4. The REASON for your absence
5. How LONG you expect to be out

If you do not know EXACTLY how long you will be out when you call we put a question mark in our book. You then MUST call EVERY morning at 6:45 A.M. and tell the office either you will or will not be returning. You must do this every day until you have a definite date of return.

If you fail to call, we will assume that you will be absent and will retain the SUBSTITUTE in your place. Should you report for work WITHOUT notifying the Food Service Office, YOU will be sent home and the SUBSTITUTE will work.

As a courtesy to your fellow staff members, if you know definitely that you will or will not be in the following day, you may call the office by 1:00 P.M.. This allows some scheduling changes in advance.

DO NOT rely on the COOK or another Food Service worker to tell us that you will be returning. YOU MUST call the Food Service Office.

As in the past, a Doctor’s Note is required for any absence of three (3) or more days. The note must state that you are able to resume the FULL duties of a Food Service Worker which include HEAVY LIFTING. This note must be Hand-Delivered to the Food Service Office BEFORE you return to your building. Please use our department form for your return to work. All kitchens have copies of this form.


Employee Uniform Code

  1. Uniform must be CLEAN and free of tears or holes.
  2. Proper Uniform Color is BLACK PANTS and a SOLID WHITE SHIRT
  3. Uniform must be APPROPRIATE:
    • Shirt MUST have a collar or appropriate neckline and must be opaque.
    • Short or 3/4 sleeves.
    • Fleece, Sweat Suits, Jeans, Leggings, Tights, Knit Pants or Capris are NOT deemed appropriate.
    • SHOES must be BLACK, closed and have non-skid sole.
  4. Uniform APRONS must be worn at all times:
    • Aprons must be uniform as determined by the Food Service Director.
    • Aprons will be supplied each year to all employees. If you wish, additional Aprons may be purchased at any time from the Food Service Office.                                                           
  1. HAIR RESTRAINTS must be worn at all times:
    • HAIR NETS must be worn at ALL times.
    No substitutions of uniform wear.



Paid Receipts are required for all Uniform purchases. Uniforms must be purchased after May 1st and receipts returned to the Food Service Office. All Receipts are due no later than October 16th.

Failure to be in proper Uniform may result in the employee being denied work on that day.