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Sagamore Middle School

Library Policies

Welcome to your Library! Please use it for reading, studying, homework, and learning how to find and use information.

The computers may be used for any classwork and also for coding practice at  or at . See Mrs. Walker for any password information. You may work on classwork or read at the tables. At this time, materials may not be shared and MakerSpace activities and board games are closed.



The Internet may be used for research, projects, and homework. Please use the computers in an appropriate manner – they are a valuable resource! Be appropriate and respectful online.
Food, candy, gum, drinks, and cellphones are not permitted in the Library. You may have water at the tables.
You may speak quietly with others, but please remember that other people may be studying.
Please clean up after yourself – papers, scraps, return any borrowed materials, and push chairs in.
This is your library! Please treat it and the people and equipment in it in a respectful manner.